

                                                Dau Uttam Sao (14.08.1898-14.09.1979)

Dau Uttam Sao a resident of village Khopli near Machandur was a great social reformer of the area. He contributed immensely to uplift the people of the area and create awareness among them towards education. He was a great supporter of "Female Education." 


Dau Uttam Sao Govt. College, Machandur, Dist. Durg, Chhattisgarh 491221 was established in August 2018.

There was a long standing demand of the villagers to open a college at Machandur which happens to be the biggest village in the nearby areas. 

The college at Machandur offers Arts, Commerce and Science faculties with the following Under Graduate Programmes. 

B.A. (Economics, Political Science, Sociology, English, Hindi)

B.Com. (All Compulsory Subjects)

B.Sc. (Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, English, Hindi)


                                                                         Dr. Komal Singh Sharwa

Dear Students
As you step into Dau Uttam Sao Govt. College, Machandur, Dist. Durg, Chhattisgarh, filled with hope and dreams of scaling new heights, I wish to reiterate the importance of few things that we have to keep in mind. Parents should remember that children should not be forced, but should be guided to achieve whatever goals they may have in their minds in an easy and pleasing manner, so that we may be able to discover the particular touch of genius in each one of them. The purpose of education is to teach our children to think and develop a capacity to reason out facts. Students should keep in mind the importance of planning and prioritizing their time and the effective use of it which are essential to achieve success.
Students should always think and review – discover the cause and effect of every event, in which they are involved. Do not surrender or become a slave to youthful fancies and indulgences. Be steady in your studies. Learn to enjoy hard work – particularly your studies. Think wisely, think systematically. Always prepare yourself for next day’s lesson. Be very serious and attentive in class.
Preserve our heritage and environment for yourself as well as for your next generation.  Always be a soldier to defend and preserve our traditions and our territory.
With experienced and dedicated teachers, our college helps students to realize their goals in life. I encourage all students to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the college and involve themselves in all the extra curricular activities that are offered. The overall development of the mind and body is a sign of a healthy and complete development.
Hard work, dedication and perseverance are the most important traits in a person that lead to success. The future belongs to you; your need, therefore, is to prepare yourself for an active participation in the world. This participation demands that you become well informed and hence develop yourself like a pioneer and ultimately grow as responsible men and women.
We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future”. Remember “The reward of every good action will be good only”.
Wishing you all the best,
Dr. Komal Singh Sharwa


आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः
Let Nobel thoughts come to me from all directions.


To lead higher education toward inclusive excellence through institutional transformation. Dau Uttam Sao Govt. College, Machandur, provides innovative educational opportunities and student support services that lead to the successful completion of degrees, and basic skills proficiency. The college fosters personal and professional success through the development of critical thinking, effective communication, creativity, and cultural awareness in a safe, accessible and affordable learning community. In meeting the needs of our demographically diverse student population, we embrace equity and accountability through measurable learning outcomes, ethical data-driven decisions and students' achievements.


Dau Uttam Sao Govt. College has a safe, friendly, accessible environment where all students and community members may optimize their academic, career, and cultural development.
Dau Uttam Sao Govt. College continues to advance as a dynamic center for life-long learning. We aspire to:
Ø  prepare students to meet the challenges of the society by utilizing their degree in the right perspective.
Ø  offer academic and technological support for students, faculty, and staff;
Ø  deliver programs to improve basic learning, reading, communication, and ESL skills;
Ø  grant opportunities for students to develop a global perspective through a curriculum with international and multicultural applications
Ø  foster a comprehensive and enriching programme of extracurricular activities;
Ø  conduct community education programmes that encourage learning at every stage of life;
Ø increase career development support for students, faculty, and staff through career exploration,
Ø counseling, job preparation, job opportunities, and academic and classified staff development;
Ø collaborate with local higher secondary schools in articulation and curriculum development;
Ø advance cultural and personal enrichment programs for the college and community members, and promote inter-collegiate competition opportunities for students.


1. Student Focus
Meeting community and student needs by creating an educational environment and culture so the students can attain a variety of goals. 
2. Excellence
Maintain a high standard of integrity and performance leading to the achievement of academic and professional goals. 
3. Collaboration: 
    Seeking input from all sectors of the college and the community. 
4. Diversity
Fostering a learning community in which the values, goals, and learning styles of all students are recognized and supported. 
5. Life-Long Learning: 
    Serving enthusiastic, independent thinkers and learners striving for personal growth. 
6. Integrity: 
    Behaving ethically in all interactions at all levels. 
7. Technological Advancement
Keeping pace with global technology trends and enhancing traditional instruction with technology to prepare students for success in the work place.



Dr. Neerja Rani Pathak

               Designation:                           Professor

  •                                         Subject:                                  English
  •                                         Qualification:                        M.A., Ph.D.
  •                                         Specialization:                       Indian Writings in English
  •                                         Teaching Experience:           34 Years       

Dr. G.A. Ghanshyam
               Designation:                           Professor
               Subject:                                  English
               Qualification:                        B.Sc., M.A., Ph.D.
               Specialization:                       Indian Writings in English
               Teaching Experience:           24 Years       
Dr. Girija Pataila
                                          Designation:                           Assistant Professor
                                          Subject:                                  Chemistry
                                          Qualification:                         M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed. Ph.D.
                                          Specialization:                       In-organic Chemistry
                                          Teaching Experience:           32 Years                         

Dr.Ambarish Tripathi
                                          Designation:                           Assistant Professor
                                          Subject:                                  Hindi
                                          Qualification:                         M.Phil., Ph.D.
                                          Specialization:                       In-organic Chemistry
                                          Teaching Experience:           08 Years                         

Mr. Neelam Sanjeev Ekka
                                          Designation:                            Assistant Professor
                                          Subject:                                   Sociology
                                          Specialization:                        Tribal Study
                                          Qualification:                         M.A., NET, TET
                                          Teaching Experience:            08 Years

Dr. Neelam Gupta 
                                          Designation:                            Assistant Professor
                                          Subject:                                   Commerce
                                          Specialization:                        Tribal Study
                                          Qualification:                          M.Phil., Ph.D.
                                          Teaching Experience:            08 Years

Mr. Khilesh Chandrakar
                                          Designation:                           Guest Faculty
                                          Subject:                                  Commerce
                                          Qualification:                         M.Com., M.A.(Eco), B.Ed. 
                                                                                           UGC-NET, CG-SET
                                          Specialization:                       Commerce
                                          Teaching Experience:           02 Years

                                                            Ms. Jagriti Chandrakar
                                           Designation:                          Guest Faculty
                                           Subject:                                  Political Science
                                           Qualification:                         M.A., M.Phil.
                                           Teaching Experience:            03 Years

                                                               Ms. Prabha Yadav
                                          Designation:                           Guest Faculty
                                          Subject:                                  Economics
                                          Qualification:                         M.A., M.Phil. 
                                                                                           Ph.D.(Under Process)
                                          Specialization:                        Economics
                                          Teaching Experience:            04 Years


Perfect Practice makes Perfect...
A workshop on "English is Easy" was organised today on 03.01.2019 at Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Machandur, Dist. Durg by G A Ghanshyam Iyengar for the benefit of the students. 
Through power point presentations, videos and films the students were made to understand the nuances of English and the importance of listening English to speak. 
Listen, understand and act are the three basic principles of learning a language. 
Mrs. Kakoli Chaudhury, Lecturer English was instrumental in organising this event.

उन्मुखीकरण कार्यक्रम दाऊ उत्तम साव शासकीय महाविद्यालय मचांदुर में आयोजित।
शिक्षक को स्मार्ट, अपडेट जिम्मेवार होना चाहिए।
अज्ञान के अँधेरे को ज्ञान के काजल से खोलने वाले गुरु को नमन। गुरु तभी सफल माना जाता है जब उसका शिष्य गुरु से भी आगे बढ़ जाता है। शिष्य को सचिन तेंदुलकर जैसा होना चाहिए जो गुरु को भगवान से भी बढ़कर मानते हैं। विद्यार्थियों को वृद्ध (वृद्ध वह है जो वृद्धि करने की योग्यता रखता हो) से आयु, विद्या, यश और बल प्राप्त होता है। 
ये बातें डॉ महेशचंद्र शर्मा, प्राचार्य, दानवीर तुलाराम शासकीय महाविद्यालय, उतई ने दाऊ उत्तम साव शासकीय महाविद्यालय, मचांदुर में आज दिनांक 03.01.2019 आयोजित "उन्मुखीकरण कार्यक्रम- सीखने एवं सिखाने की कला" में मुख्य वक्ता और अध्यक्ष की आसंदी से कही।
विशिष्ट अतिथि डॉ ए ए खान, विभागाध्यक्ष अंग्रेज़ी, डी टी शासकीय महाविद्यालय, उतई ने नवाचार को पठन पाठन में उपयोग किए जाने पर बल देते हुए कहा कि आज के दौर में हमे नवीन पद्धति का उपयोग करना होगा ताकि हम शिक्षण के नवीन तरीको से स्वयं और विद्यार्थियों को परिचित करवा सकें। 
श्रीमती एम गोपीनाथन, प्राचार्य, शासकीय उच्चतर माध्यमिक शाला, मचांदुर ने कहा कि हमे हमेशा प्रोटान जैसे सकारात्मक और धनात्मक बने रहना चाहिए और अपने माता-पिता की सेवा करनी चाहिए। यही हमारे व्यक्तित्व विकास की पहली सीढ़ी है। 
जी ए घनश्याम, प्राध्यापक, अंग्रेज़ी ने "सीखने एवं सीखाने की कला" पर अपने सारगर्भित विचार रखे। 
कार्यक्रम में श्री प्रमोद चौरे जो समाजशास्त्र के अतिथि व्याख्याता थे को उनकी सेवाओ के लिए स्मृति चिन्ह देकर सम्मानित किया गया।
आभार प्रदर्शन डॉ गिरिजा पटैला, सहायक प्राध्यापक, रसायन शास्त्र ने रोचक तरीके से किया।
कार्यक्रम का सफल और कुशल संचालन श्री खिलेश चंद्राकर, अतिथि व्याख्याता, वाणिज्य ने किया।
कार्यक्रम को सफल और यादगार बनाने में श्री नीलम संजीव एक्का, सहायक प्राध्यापक, समाजशास्त्र, अतिथि व्याख्यागण सुश्री जागृति चंद्राकर, पूजा परगनिहा, प्रभा यादव, श्री आर्या तथा विद्यार्थियों में मीनाक्षी, पद्मिनी, मनीषा, रुखसार, नरगिस, अजय, हरीश इत्यादि का विशेष योगदान रहा।

The day started with fog and cold weather but the spirit inside has given warmth and heat to clear the fog. 
Induction cum Introduction Programme of newly posted Professor and Assistant Professor was held today in Dau Uttam Sao Govt. College, Machandur, Dist Durg.
Dr. Girija Pataila, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Mr. Neelam Sanjeev Ekka, Asst. Professor of Sociology and G. A. Ghanshyam, Professor of English with Guest Faculties Mr. Khilesh of Commerce, Jagriti Chandrakar of Political Science and Ms. Pooja Parganiha introduced themselves and their subjects to the students and urged them to attend classes regularly so that the college could attain greater heights in the days to come.



On 10th December 2018 Human Rights Day was celebrated at DUS Govt. College, Machandur, Dist-Durg. The faculty members and students took active part in it and have expressed their views on Human Rights.

Ms. Jagriti Chandrakar elaborated the topic and spoke about Fundamental and Human Rights including the violation of Rights too.

The participation of the students in the programme was worth appreciating. 


For any query feel free to contact us:


Dau Uttam Sao Govt. College
Machandur Main Road
Dist: Durg, Chhattigarh





PATRIKA  30.12.2018



                                                Dau Uttam Sao (14.08.1898-14.09.1979) Dau Uttam Sao a resident of village Khopli near...